The Churchgoing Evangelical Vote Split

Justin Taylor via Twitter:

The churchgoing evangelical vote will be split along three lines: #NeverTrump, #NeverHillary, and #NeverTrumpNeverHillary.

— BetweenTwoWorlds (@between2worlds) May 9, 2016

.@ThabitiAnyabwil is in the first category of #NeverTrump

— BetweenTwoWorlds (@between2worlds) May 9, 2016

Fred Zaspel (along with many evangelicals over the age of 50) is in the second category of #NeverHillary

— BetweenTwoWorlds (@between2worlds) May 9, 2016

I (along with many younger evanglicals, as a matter of conscience) would be in the third category of #NeverTrumpNeverHillary

— BetweenTwoWorlds (@between2worlds) May 9, 2016

May 9, 2016