Converge Church Planter Assessment - Day 1


Today Kalee and I made our way to Chicago for the Converge Church Planters Assessment. According to the Converge Worldwide website, the Converge assessment is:

An intensive four-day event staffed by trained assessors to encourage and observe church planting candidates. Candidates have the opportunity to preach, cast vision, work in team settings, and meet with counselors and assessors to prepare for life as a church planter. Assessors provide a personalized and thorough assessment of church planting candidates.

Essentially, it’s a process designed to help discern whether or not I am qualified, called, and equipped with the tools and gifts necessary to plant a church.

As we enter into this process, we’ve been absolutely overwhelmed with prayers and support from friends, family, members of the 2 Pillars community, Converge Heartland pastors, and complete strangers. I’m hoping to keep you all updated by posting a quick and dirty” recap/debrief after each day of the assessment here.

Some notes and highlights from today:

  • It’s been a long day—we woke up at 3:30 this morning to catch our flight to Chicago.
  • The assessment is being held at Missio Dei Chicago, just a few blocks from Wrigley Field. The Cubs played a home game tonight, so we were able to enjoy a bit of game-day atmosphere as we walked to our hotel at the end of the day.
  • I’m glad that today is over. I had two major presentations: a 10-minute mini-sermon and a philosophy of ministry presentation. The mini-sermon was followed by a brief description of my call to church planting” and Kalee and I were asked to share five adjectives that describe one another. Q&A followed each presentation as well.
  • Finally, the day ended with a Biblical Knowledge Survey exam.

Fortunately, there are no more presentations to anticipate in the coming days.

Alright, I’m cutting this post short. It’s time for bed as we have another long day ahead of us. Thank you to all of you who are faithfully lifting us up in prayer this week.

More tomorrow.

April 8, 2014